Towny - V10.3 Content Update

New features may have bugs not found during our testing period, please report any you come across in our Discord.
Changes that affect both Towny & SMP have been marked with a [!]


* Tasks have been removed and have been replaced by Quests

Monthly Ranks
* Monthly Ranks are no longer purchaseable, those that have subscriptions will keep them until cancelled

Changed & Added

[!] Store Changes
* The store will no longer directly sell ranks, keys or any other items but will now sell 'CYT Coins'.
* CYT Coins can be purchased in bundles of 650, 1500, 5000, 8000, 12000 and 20000.
* Use CYT Coins in the in-game shop by typing /store. If you're looking to gift something to a player with your CYT Coins, type /buyfor [name] and you'll now be in gift mode. Type /buyfor to reset back to purchase for yourself.
* Check it out at /store and the Store

[!] New Store Addition
* Personal Pop Figurine (Placeable) of your Minecraft Character is now available for 3000 CYT Coins

[!] CYG: New Features & Modifications
* The recipe book will now remember your location in the book and re-open on that page (does not persist over reboot)
* Added 'Glass Cutter' tool which instantly breaks all glass types
* Barrels can now be broken with contents in them
* Machines are no longer affected by explosions (ie: TNT, Creepers, etc.)
* Added Hoe to Multi-Tool
* Multi-Tool recipe now requires 5 Netherite Blocks (was 3), 20 Diamond Blocks (was 12) and 4 Nether Stars (was 2)
* Added 'Chunk Hopper' machine which sucks up all dropped item entities in the chunk where the hopper is placed. You can use logitstics to both input and output items to/from the hopper.    
* Check out the changes with /cyg!

T1: New Rules
* Instant Inviting of new players is not allowed, ask prior.
* Setting homes within 100 blocks of other towns (without consent) is not allowed

Crate Keys
* Crate Key names have been modified into a new format: 'Crate Key [Type]'
* The tagline lore (eg: 'Not mass pro-juiced!' from the Mango Crate) has been removed

* Complete quests and earn cash! Check it out with /quests
* The amount of quests you can activate at once depends on your rank, check /ranks for more information
* Help is available on the wiki

* Tournaments have been added, there are now 3 tournaments that'll run every 3 hours
* Check it with /tournaments!

[!] Halloween Crate
The halloween crate has been released, check it out at /warp Crates!
Available for purchase from /store

[!] Clover Crate
The Clover Crate is back! New items and cosmetics have been added - check it out at /warp crates!
Available for purchase from /store

[!] Mango Crate Additions
Corgi plushies have been added to the Mango Crate!
Available for purchase from /store!

[!] Halloween Event

Kill the mobs, collect Candy Corn and get rewards!
The lower you go the higher the difficulty and drop rates... where will you go?

Check it out at /warp Halloween!

Coming Next Weekend (29th October)

* Gain rewards for completing milestones within various features

The Towers (V2)
* The famous towers from Version 9 return with a more revamped and refreshed look and feel

Coming Soon

[!] Store: Furniture & Emojis
* New furniture and emoji packs will be added to /store!

Tournaments Skin Set
* A tournament skin set will be added to the tournament reward pool


Huge thanks to the following team members for contributing towards this update and making it possible, in no particular order:
oParticle, Ernestyn, lukemango, CloverlucyMC, Oribuin, SirSalad, Arein, TheCakeChicken, BewareOfTheKiwi, Hakex, logicaleman, lunarsunnie, emmgx, JellyFluff, Ceabed, Am1y, LordFillern, Lucifer_Langdon